Our Beaver Colony
Beaver Scout’s are the youngest section in our group aged between six and eight years old.
The section is referred to as a Beaver Colony and is organised into smaller groups called Lodges.
The Beaver Scout motto is Be Prepared the same as the Cubs and Scouts prior to 2002 it was ‘Fun and Friends’.
During their time in the Colony the Beavers will be able to make new friends, take part in activities like playing games, going out on visits, making things, take part in outdoor activities, singing songs, investigating nature, learning how to be safe!
Beaver Scout’s can earn badges for activities that they have taken part in and also earn badges for completing challenges, that build towards the highest award in Beaver Scouting: The Chief Scout Bronze Award.
To help us achieve all of this we have an expectation that all Beavers will adhere to our code of conduct, this was written in conjunction with the Beaver Leaders the beaver Parents and the Beavers themselves a copy of this code will be in the joining pack.